
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Chapter 13: Time Travel & Book Clubs with Charlene Tamura
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Sometimes books speak to what is on everyone's mind, and even though the books in this episode are not intended to inflame any fear or concern about the global concern for health and safety that we are all experiencing right now, it is a reminder that books that were written a while ago can be just as relevant to us today.
In today's episode, I am speaking to Charlene Tamura who has a list of books for your TBR list that has a tender yet familiar theme of sickness, science fiction, time travel and "what-if" Fiction that you will want to add to your own reading list. Charlene is a local business owner who has found a solution to deal with your unwanted items and share them with others who can use them. Through She Sells Your Stuff, she is answering the environmental need for reducing, recycling, and re-using rather than just buying new all the time. Her list of suggested books was especially fun for me because I haven't read any of them!
In The Business Bar, I am talking about online shopping. Warning: I speak at a pretty rapid pace through this segment, I was getting very excited and just kept going - no editing required! And just think, I did all this only on only one shot of coffee (can you imagine me with TWO?? Yikes!). I hope you can keep up ;-)
Books & Links Discussed:
Daughter of Family G: A Memoir of Cancer Genes, Love & Fate
The Chronicles of St. Mary's series
Look for Charlene on Facebook and Instagram !
Thank you to Kerri Brigden for creating our theme songs! Kerri's talent paired with her beautiful heart are exactly the tone I wanted you to hear at the beginning of each episode. I hope you enjoy them. Thank you, Kerri!!
Follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest & The Booktruck Chick BLOG!
Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Online calendar of upcoming booktruck events and an online database of all our books at Daisy Chain Book Co.

Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Books have the beautiful talent of reaching beyond the pages and creating stories, characters, and images that we want to talk about. In this second part of my face to face discussion with Julie parr, we talk about the power of Book Clubs to expand your perspectives on reading through discussion and community. Anyone who has been in a Book Club knows the value of this - if everyone reads the book! Julie and I talk more about books she insists I must read and the word "herpes" is used for the first time in a bookish convo on a podcast, I'm sure of it.
In The Business Bar, I am talking about being adaptable and flexible if the goal is to grow in your reach and relevancy. I talk about it in more detail as it pertains to the booktruck in a recent blog post, "Making Cuts" on The Booktruck Chick blog.
Books Discussed:
Nancy Drew
Influence: the Psychology of Persuasion
Follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest & The Booktruck Chick BLOG!
Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Online calendar of upcoming booktruck events and an online database of all our books at Daisy Chain Book Co.

Monday Mar 02, 2020
Chapter 11: Preteen Books & Supporting Local
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Sometimes I just want to go back to my younger self and enjoy the carefree drama of being a preteen. Sometimes. Then I shake my head and remember that I can read the books I enjoyed and leave it at that. Who wants to go back to acne, braces, awkward encounters with boys and the questionable fashion choices...? In this episode of The Booktruck Chronicles, I am talking about some of the most memorable books I read in my younger Brandi years.
In The Business Bar, I am addressing a question that often surprises me about the cost of being at events and markets. Supporting Local businesses wherever you are is so important, and in a world of mega-companies, big box stores and anonymous online corporations it's more relevant than ever to vote with your dollars and support local small entrepreneurs.
Books discussed:
Follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest & The Booktruck Chick BLOG!
Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Online calendar of upcoming booktruck events and an online database of all our books at Daisy Chain Book Co.

Monday Feb 24, 2020
Chapter 10: Challenge Your Reading with Julie Parr
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Sitting down with one of your best girlfriends and hitting "Record" means anything can happen - and nothing could be more true about my time with Julie Parr. Julie is one of my dearest friends, and she is as full of wisdom and inspiration as she is likely to say something that will make me snort with laughter. Today's interview is exactly what I hoped for - challenging and entertaining. We have always had books in common and today we touch on the value of reading a book that pushes the line and opens our perspective on the world. How ready are YOU to read something challenging, step out of your comfort zone and dare to think differently about what you believe to be true? Books are a fabulous conduit for evolving as a Reader, and I am eager to hear YOUR thoughts on our conversation.
This was my first face to face interview, and I had the microphone setting flipped in the wrong direction (oops), so please forgive me for the imbalanced sound. I will endeavor to make the next in-person interview better, I promise!
Books we discussed:
The Family Nobody Wanted
My Grandmother Sends Her Regards & Apologises
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
The Man They Wanted Me to Be: Toxic Masculinity and a Crisis of Our Own Making
Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Vol 1
Follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest & The Booktruck Chick BLOG!
Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Online calendar of upcoming booktruck events and an online database of all our books at Daisy Chain Book Co.

Monday Feb 17, 2020
Chapter 9: Booktruck Reality with Hilary Atleo of Iron Dog Books
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Every now and then you meet a fellow professional who understands the quirky, hard to explain nature of your business. From very early on in my booktruck journey, I met one such business owner: Hilary Atleo, owner of Iron Dog Books in British Columbia. Iron Dogs was the second bookshop on wheels in Canada, and I had the pleasure of meeting her and seeing how her business operated in real life. Today I am chatting with Hilary about why she does this crazy job, how it has changed since she began and why she chose to pursue an "immobile" bookshop at the end of last year. If you are considering a mobile business of your own, get out your paper and pen, make notes as you listen and compile your list of questions for mobile business owners in your town.
Find Iron Dog Books:
2671 East Hastings St, Vancouver, British Columbia V5K 1Z5
Books/Links we Discussed:
Refill Road - Vancouver
The Ten Thousand Doors of January
Follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest & The Booktruck Chick BLOG!
Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Online calendar of upcoming booktruck events and an online database of all our books at Daisy Chain Book Co.

Monday Feb 10, 2020
Chapter 8: Wellness in Your Body & Your Reading Life with Cari Letourneau
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
If you have been paying attention (and because you are incredibly wise and attentive, I am sure you have been...), you will notice that this is the 5th Guest Interview whose name starts with the "k" sound. This was unintentional, but sometimes ya just gotta go with it, ya know?
Today's bookish discussion is with Cari Letourneau, a Mom, Wife, Teacher, and Wellness Coach who is wildly passionate about health in mind and body. She is absolutely contagious with her energy and focus and I dare you not to try and make healthier decisions after you listen to this discussion! She has some book suggestions that, if applied, can change the trajectory of your life. Reader, it's not just about what you eat, how you move, what you believe or what you read - it's a combination of all of it!
In the Business Bar, I'm talking about building in disciplines... because this booktruck life is not just about books, it's also a business and I love sharing my journey with you so we can all thrive.
Here is where you can find Cari:
Books we discussed:
The Miracle Morning
Podcasts we discussed:
Follow me on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest & The Booktruck Chick BLOG!
Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Online calendar of upcoming booktruck events and an online database of all our books at Daisy Chain Book Co.

Monday Feb 03, 2020
Chapter 7: Self Help Truths
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Hey, Friend!
When it comes to considering which books will make it onto the shelves of the booktruck, I always take into consideration what YOU are asking for more of, what is trending in backlist titles and how I can advance your reading life. Today, I am opening up the dialogue about a genre that many readers are incredibly dedicated to, and I am hopefully shedding some critical light on it: Are Self Help books helping us or keeping us stuck? I would love to hear your thoughts about it, so please email me anytime to have a deeper conversation - brandi@daisychainbook.co
Do you have any favorite SH books, ones that have stepped in when you most needed a kick in the pants or a dose of inspiration? Tell me! I'd love to know which ones you think are worth the read while others missed the mark.
If there is one you are trying to find, remember you can find all the SH titles that we offer at Daisy Chain Book Co. on our website.
And today in The Business Bar, I am answering one of YOUR questions! Thanks to Jessica K. who sent me a DM about the intention of starting a business such as a bookshop on wheels, I mean, who DOES this, am I right? I appreciate your question, Jessica - hope the answer inspires you.
Follow me on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest & The Booktruck Chick BLOG!
Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Online calendar of upcoming booktruck events and an online database of all our books at Daisy Chain Book Co.

Monday Jan 27, 2020
Chapter 6: Fellow Booktruck Chick Kate Keeper
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Hello Friend!!
It is very rare in my business that I find someone who "gets it". Last year another booktruck emerged on the scene, in Delaware, USA! I was thrilled to connect with Kate Keeper, the owner/operator of GoGo Books, a nomadic storybook shop on wheels. She does it on her terms, in her own time and she is discovering that running a booktruck is not like any other job out there. So, have fun listening in on our discussion about the highs and lows of booktruck life, and why we wouldn't choose to do anything else.
Connect with Kate!
GoGo on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter
Follow me on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest & The Booktruck Chick BLOG!
Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Online calendar of upcoming booktruck events and an online database of all the books at Daisy Chain Book Co.

Monday Jan 20, 2020
Chapter 5: Books & Movies with Katelin Hamil
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Hey, Friends!!
Bringing Daisy the Booktruck to communities introduces me to the coolest people. Today I will be chatting with Katelin Hamil, a dedicated mom, wife, Reader, and neighbor from a nearby community that I met last year. We couldn't wait to talk about our favorite and least favorite book-to-movie adaptations, so get your TBR list out and start making notes - Katelin has a fantastic reading life and you'll want to make some of the titles we discussed your new favorites.
In the Business Bar I'll be tackling a peculiar and yet common statement I hear in the booktruck. It's time to celebrate the innovative ideas that actually make it into the world...
Books we discussed:
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children
Follow me on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest & The Booktruck Chick BLOG!
Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Online calendar of upcoming booktruck events and an online database of all the books at Daisy Chain Book Co.
How's that for a LOT of links?? ;-)

Monday Jan 13, 2020
Chapter 4: Book Coaching with My Sister, Cari Frame
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Hey, YOU! So glad you're back!
Today's Book Talk convo is with Cari Frame, a certified Life Coach who is determined to empower people to live their best life. She is also a book editor and the winner of the Brenda Strathern Writing Prize at WordFest this past November. Cari has been a voracious reader all her life and will share some of the books that have had a memorable impact on her life. She keeps so many plates spinning, and she continues to inspire me. In addition to all of this, she is also my sister and I am thrilled to share this conversation with you.
Books we discussed:
Connect with Cari!!
Want to find out more about the Booktruck journey?