
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
When you meet a Kindred Spirit in the mobile retail space, it is a very special feeling. We are kind of a niche community. When I was still operating the booktruck, I connected with Latanya from Bronx Bound Books who desired to bring books to the people of the Bronx - a city with only ONE brick & mortar bookstore, can you believe it? Latanya saw a need and did what any entrepreneur with grit & hootspa does - she did all the work to see her vision become a reality. I could not be more excited for her and for the Bronx to experience her bookbus.
I also discuss an update of our Buddy Read, The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton. Join in on the discussion - get a copy at your local fave indie bookstore and tell us your thoughts as you go!
Our bookstore offers audiobooks which you can listen to on your iPhone, Android device, or PC. These audiobooks are available through our partner, Libro.fm, and all sales support our store.
Want to be a Guest on my Podcast? Want to tell me about what you're reading? Let's talk! Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
If you are in the Edmonton area, come and see our beautiful new store! For updates on all the bookish events at the bookstore, and an online database of our marvelous books visit Daisy Chain Book Co.
Podcast theme music created and performed by the incredible Kerri Bridgen.

Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Chapter 32: Let's Review Some Books
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
There has been so much going on in our little world of bookish delights, one of which is the Polar Vortex that has taken over our city. While we are all trying to manage the -36 degree temps, it seems like a good time to talk books, whaddya say?
As well, I go a little deeper into the question about what happened to the booktruck and what the transition from bookshop on wheels to bookshop with an address has been like. This is something that will come up in future episodes as well as I continue to answer the questions that come in each week about this from around the globe. Y'all are very interested!
Books Discussed:
All the Devils Are Here (Inspector Gamache #16)
Finders Keepers (Bill Hodges #2)
Our bookstore offers audiobooks which you can listen to on your iPhone, Android device, or PC. These audiobooks are available through our partner, Libro.fm, and all sales support our store.
Want to be a Guest on my Podcast? Want to tell me about what you're reading? Let's talk! Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
If you are in the Edmonton area, come and see our beautiful new store! For updates on all the bookish events at the bookstore, and an online database of our marvelous books visit Daisy Chain Book Co.
Podcast theme music created and performed by the incredible Kerri Bridgen.

Monday Feb 01, 2021
Chapter 31: No More Booktruck and Brandi Reads
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
As always, I am so thrilled to have you along on this crazy book adventure! The idea of starting a booktruck was wild enough, but then to leave that to switch to a brick & mortar bookshop - WTH? In this episode, I touch on that transition and will continue to bring up different parts of that decision in future episodes.
Let's talk books. I have been reading a lot since we last talked, and I can't wait to share some of the titles with you!
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
Our bookstore offers audiobooks which you can listen to on your iPhone, Android device, or PC. These audiobooks are available through our partner, Libro.fm, and all sales support our store.
Want to be a Guest on my Podcast? Want to tell me about what you're reading? Let's talk! Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
If you are in the Edmonton area, come and see our beautiful new store! For updates on all the bookish events at the bookstore, and an online database of our marvelous books visit Daisy Chain Book Co.
Podcast theme music created and performed by the incredible Kerri Bridgen.

Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Chapter 30: So Much Has Changed
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Hello again!!
We may have a new name, a new pic and a new focus, but our love for reading, sharing a good story and talking about the business of books has not changed. We have traded in our license plate for an address and now run a bookshop in the incredible High Street community in Edmonton. More on that little change in upcoming episodes...
Today I am psyched to share my conversation with Rick MacDonnell, a virtuoso in the booktube world and a genuinely nice guy who just loves books. He has a vibrant youtube channel to discuss book reviews, and he is excellent at diving into titles you may not have heard about.
Podcast theme music created and performed by the incredible Kerri Bridgen.
Our bookstore offers audiobooks which you can listen to on your iPhone, Android device, or PC. These audiobooks are available through our partner, Libro.fm, and all sales support our store.
Want to be a Guest on my Podcast? Want to tell me about what you're reading? Let's talk! Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
If you are in the Edmonton area, come and see our beautiful new store! For updates on all the bookish events at the bookstore, and an online database of our marvelous books visit Daisy Chain Book Co.

Monday Aug 31, 2020
Chapter 29: Comfort Reads & TBR Piles
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Hey, YOU! Today I am back with another bookish episode, and it's ALL about the books! No Business talk this time. I have been getting so many email & DM questions about the right book for the right mood, how to work through your To Be Read pile and so many more... today I am tackling a few of your questions and then sharing what books I have been reading lately. Keep in mind that I am not only going to share books with you that I want you to buy - my goal is to provide honest opinions about the books I've read, not sugar-coat them to make you spend your money. As a bookseller, I have to be honest or my opinions aren't worth trusting, right? Get out your pen and paper so you can write some of these titles down!
Books I Have Read Recently:
The Return (Released on Sept 29, 2020)
Podcast theme music created and performed by the incredible Kerri Bridgen.
Our bookstore offers audiobooks which you can listen to on your iPhone, Android device, or PC. These audiobooks are available through our partner, Libro.fm, and all sales support our store.
Want to be a Guest on my Podcast? Want to tell me about what you're reading? Let's talk! Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Online calendar of upcoming booktruck events and an online database of all our marvelous books at Daisy Chain Book Co.

Monday Aug 17, 2020
Chapter 28: Let's Talk Business, Because YOU Asked
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
OK, so I missed posting an episode last week.
I know you can forgive me because well, life happens. As posts about my bookshop on wheels are being shared widely on social media, there has been a significant increase in the number of requests I receive about duplicating my business idea. So, as much as I feel like it is similar to the last episode's rant about Copycats and pursuing a unique and personal business model, this is clearly what y'all are wanting to hear so I will respond accordingly.
Here are answers to the top questions I have been asked recently about booktruck life and the business of running a mobile retail company. I want to hear what you think so please leave comments, questions, and feedback so I can help you in your pursuit of the ideal business idea. I am by NO means an expert in this field, just someone who is figuring it out as I stumble along and I'm happy to share my journey with you.
Next week we'll talk about books, I promise!!
Podcast theme music created and performed by the incredible Kerri Bridgen.
Our bookstore offers audiobooks which you can listen to on your iPhone, Android device, or PC. These audiobooks are available through our partner, Libro.fm, and all sales support our store.
Want to be a Guest on my Podcast? Want to tell me about what you're reading? Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Online calendar of upcoming booktruck events and an online database of all our marvelous books at Daisy Chain Book Co.

Monday Aug 03, 2020
Chapter 27: Business Bar Rant About Social Media, Copycats & CDB
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
As much as I love talking about the books, there is so much behind-the-scenes about the business of bookselling that I want to talk about today. I get so many emails and in-person questions about booktruck life, and there are a ridiculous amount of uninformed opinions or assumptions about what I do, so I thought I would tackle a few of them here. Last episode, I ranted. This time - I do so again. Straight talk, unedited, from me to you.
I discuss the valuable impact of the right photos and being vulnerable in social media, the realities of the Cost of Doing Business (CDB), my intense dislike for Copycats and focusing on WHO you are serving in your business.
So many people are just too nice to be honest about this stuff, or they don't know how to answer the questions, but you know by now that with me you will get the truth as I see it every time. Enjoy!
Keeping Shop Podcast: The Impact of Powerful Customer Experience
Podcast theme music created and performed by the incredible Kerri Bridgen.
Our bookstore offers audiobooks which you can listen to on your iPhone, Android device, or PC. These audiobooks are available through our partner, Libro.fm, and all sales support our store.
Want to be a Guest on my Podcast? Want to tell me about what you're reading? Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Online calendar of upcoming booktruck events and an online database of all our marvelous books at Daisy Chain Book Co.

Monday Jul 20, 2020
Chapter 26: Body Shaming Rant & a Fun Convo with Carrie Thunder
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
So, if you know me at all, you know that sometimes I go off on a topic, unhinged and passionate... I did that today. I have some very strong opinions about body image and the language we use to talk about how we look or how we think someone else SHOULD look. Daisy Chain Book Co. was featured in a very fun video created by the talented Brandon Mattice and as I watched myself in this video, I had some thoughts. Since we're friends, I thought I'd share them with you here.
Awhile ago, I recorded a fun Rapid Fire 30 with Carrie Thunder, a neighbor, fellow Book Club member and friend. She is an inspired Reader and I couldn't wait to share her with you! You're welcome.
Podcast theme music created and performed by the incredible Kerri Bridgen.
Our bookstore offers audiobooks which you can listen to on your iPhone, Android device, or PC. These audiobooks are available through our partner, Libro.fm, and all sales support our store.
Want to be a Guest on my Podcast? Want to tell me about what you're reading? Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Online calendar of upcoming booktruck events and an online database of all our marvelous books at Daisy Chain Book Co.

Monday Jul 13, 2020
Chapter 25: The Sweet Life with Colleen Heidecker
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
I am so incredibly blessed to have discovered such inspirational and dynamic women entrepreneurs on my Booktruck journey. One of this women is Colleen Heidecker, of Colleen's Chocolates. If you have been around Edmonton for the last couple of years and discovered her amazing chocolate delights at any of the locations lucky enough to sell them, then you KNOW. She is not just a chocolate master - there is far more to this sweet lady than just chocolate. In today's episode, Colleen shares with us her fascination for all things food, the sustainability and wonder of organic, homegrown tastes from all around the world. She is also a huge reader, so you know we talked books - get a pen and paper and write down the titles from her Rapid Fire 30!
AND, in this episode, I announce some pretty big news for Daisy Chain Book Co. I am over the moon, but you can find out more on my social media and website... and sign up for our emails to get all the deets on upcoming info you don't want to miss!
Find out more about Colleen on Instagram, Facebook and her website!
Podcast theme music created and performed by the incredible Kerri Bridgen.
Our bookstore offers audiobooks which you can listen to on your iPhone, Android device, or PC. These audiobooks are available through our partner, Libro.fm, and all sales support our store.
Want to be a Guest on my Podcast? Want to tell me about what you're reading? Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest & The Booktruck Chick BLOG!
Online calendar of upcoming booktruck events and an online database of all our marvelous books at Daisy Chain Book Co.

Monday Jun 29, 2020
Chapter 24: Just Brandi
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Hey there!
I find that this COVID time for me is all about lists: the lists of things I want to get done, the lists of things I have to get done and the list of things I have not finished... I'll give you one second to guess which one of these lists I have excelled at. Uh-huh. There are days I am successful and many that I am not. I know I am not alone in this, and let's face it - I can't blame all of this on CV19. This is just my life.
Today I am sharing the list of books I stopped reading for whatever reason, the couple books I have read recently that hit the mark and a few things I have noticed about Booktruck Life lately. There is so much going on that I have NOT said, and I will touch on those things in future chapters but like all books, this one is told one chapter at a time and it is a beautiful thing to keep this audio chronicle of my journey as a booktruck owner and Reader.
Books Discussed:
Podcast theme music created and performed by the incredible Kerri Bridgen.
Our bookstore offers audiobooks which you can listen to on your iPhone, Android device, or PC. These audiobooks are available through our partner, Libro.fm, and all sales support our store.
Want to be a Guest on my Podcast? Want to tell me about what you're reading? Email me at brandi@daisychainbook.co
Follow Daisy Chain Book Co. on all Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest & The Booktruck Chick BLOG!
Online calendar of upcoming booktruck events and an online database of all our marvelous books at Daisy Chain Book Co.